Welcome to the 2023 Manville Survey!

The Manville Democratic Club wants to hear from Manville residents and voters. We want to know what is important to you.

All responses you provide are anonymous and confidential. We do not ask for, or collect, any personal information from you.

Survey responses will be used to determine which issues are important to Manville residents, and what changes you would like to see happen in our town. Be honest, and answer in as much detail as you would like.

Thank you for taking our survey!

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Please rate the reasons you chose these candidates for Borough Council, on a scale of 1 to 5.

1: Not at all important to 5: Very Important.

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Please rate how important each of these issues is to you, on a scale of 1 to 5.

1: Not at all important to 5: Very Important.

Please make a selection.

Please make a selection.

Please make a selection.

Please make a selection.

Please make a selection.

Please make a selection.

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Please rate how safe you feel in Manville, on a scale of 1 to 5.

1: Not at all safe to 5: Very safe.

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Ballot Question


Shall the Borough of Manville, in the County of Somerset, New Jersey, be authorized to sell its wastewater collection system (commonly known as the "Manville Sewer System") to New Jersey American Water Company Inc. for the sum of $6,500,000?


If a majority of the legal votes cast in the Borough are "Yes", the Borough of Manville will sign an agreement with New Jersey American Water Company Inc. ("NJ American Water") for the sale of the sewer system servicing the residents and property owners within the geographic boundaries of the Borough of Manville and a portion of Hillsborough Township ("the Manville Sewer System") at a sale price of $6.5 Million dollars. In addition, the agreement provides that NJ American Water will make $10.0 Million in capital improvements to the Manville Sewer System over a ten-year period. The agreement provides that New Jersey American Water Company Inc. will provide and maintain all wastewater collection services ot the existing customers of the Borough's system, to the system in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Sale approved by the Borough. The $6.5 Million in sale proceeds will be used to retire al outstanding Borough of Manville municipal debt, thereby eliminating future annual debt service payments on that debt, and aiding in stabilizing municipal property taxes each year.

Subject to the final review and approval of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, the service rates to the customers of the Borough's System are proposed to be changed as follows for up to a maximum of 7 years following the sale:

Year 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Rate Increase 0% 2% 3% 3% 3% 4% 4%

Upon the completion of the rate schedule approved by the Board of Public Utilities future rate changes shall be subject to approval by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.

If a majority of the legal votes cast in the Borough are "Yes", then the Mayor & Council may accept the bid of the highest responsible bidder and carry out the sale as authorized by the election; and If a majority of the legal votes cast in the Borough are "No", then the Borough will retain the System and will immediately begin a process to increase rates to the extent required to address the need for additional capital improvements and maintenance activities.

Source: https://www.vote411.org/plan-your-vote?lwv-ballot-widget-raceid=5843148&lwv-ballot-widget-raceid=5843148

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Please rate how important these items are to you when considering which candidates to vote for.

1: Not at all important to 5: Very Important.

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Please make a selection.

Please make a selection.

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Please rate how you prefer to learn more about local candidates.

1: Very unpreferred to 5: Very Preferred.

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Please make a selection.

Please make a selection.

Please make a selection.

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Did you receive satisfactory information requested or a solution for the topic, or topics, that you discussed with the current Mayor and/or Council? Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5.

1: Not at all satisfied to 5: Very Satisfied.

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Please make a selection.

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How do you approve of the job the Mayor and Council are doing? Please rate on a scale of 1-5 .

1: Strongly Disapprove to 5: Strongly Approve.

Please make a selection.

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Did you know Manville's democratic candidates for Mayor (Roberta Walters) and Council (Ashley Neuman & Christine Sokoloski) have been supporting the Manville community by hosting or initiating the following events in our local community?

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Please make a selection.
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That's it! Please click or tap on the submit button below to submit your completed survey.

Thank you for your interest in our survey!

Paid for by Manville Democratic Club, PO Box 42, Manville, NJ 08835