Former Councilwoman Patricia Zamorski Endorses Ashley Neuman and Jessica Nichols for Manville Borough Council
Manville Democratic Club News

By Chris B.
September 19, 2022
Former Councilwoman Patricia Zamorski Endorses Ashley Neuman and Jessica Nichols for Manville Borough Council
Contact Christopher Basista at
MANVILLE - I am proud to endorse Ashley Neuman and Jessica Nichols for Manville Borough Council. Ashley and Jessica represent the future and the change that Manville so desperately needs. Ashley is a small business owner and community activist who fights to support the rights of others. Jessica started the Manville Relief Center and has worked tirelessly to ensure residents were fed and supported in the aftermath of Ida. Both women are committed to their community, and they will work hard for every resident.
Whether you vote by mail, vote early, or vote on election day I hope you will join me in not only supporting Ashley and Jessica, but in casting your vote for real change. If you want to learn more, check out